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IAM4FREEDOM Hero content document with image and content


Everyone is free to his or her vision of what freedom means! Your freedom stories are the driving force behind ALL4FREEDOM's user-generated-content or should we say IAM4FREEDOM Hero-generated-content. There is an hero behind every story and a story behind every hero. Together they form the community's collection of freedom-related dreams, visions and anecdotes. Here are our heroes opening up about what freedom means for them. Feel free to find your friends by using the search functionality and click on any of the images to go straight to their profile and read all full freedom stories. Enjoy the our IAM4FREEDOM Hero's hall of fame and freedom!
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Currently, there are 169 Heroes in this list.

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Yentl Oehlenschläger
Hi! I am Yentl Lavinia Oehlenschläger, a mixed media artist and I am for all4freedom.
Freedom and/or the lack of freedom, is a recurring theme within my artworks.
Freedom is being able and allowing yourself and others to express vulnerability.
It is vital that we give each other enough space to express ourselves freely.
Especially in a world where being vulnerable equals being weak, it speaks of great
strength to show this part of yourself. Only in that way we grant each other a look
into our souls. A look that will perhaps enable us to see each other's inhibitions in
complete freedom. It will definitely make us connect on a deeper, more open-hearted level.
Aren’t we all in need of this way of connecting? Doesn’t everyone need the reassurance that it is OK to show that part of you, that you have kept hidden or have rarely shown in
the outside world? And wouldn’t it be great if, while doing so, we would notice, we are being fully accepted in the vulnerability we are setting free.
Because everyone has the right to be their true self in complete freedom.
Be you: Dare to be vulnerable. IAM4FREEDOM!
Yentl Oehlenschläger
Angela Gayoso
Freedom stands for securing to everyone an equal opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. IAM4FREEDOM!
Angela Gayoso
Daphne Bakker
doen of denken wat je wil ( binnen de normen en waarden) zonder dat iemand zegt dat je niet mag!
Daphne Bakker
Lily niet bekend
Vrijheid betekend voor mij dat je zelf kan zijn. vrij van pijn, stress en boosheid. innerlijke wil ik vinden. IAM4FREEDOM!
Lily niet bekend
Xandy Bee
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose.
Nothin' don't mean nothin'
If it ain't free.
Xandy Bee
Linda Hulshof
To me freedom means that I get to have a voice and an opinion and that my voice matters just as much as the next voice. IAM4FREEDOM!
Linda Hulshof
Liz De Jongh
Freedom for me is doing what I like and being who I really am. Feeling home and at ease in whatever role. Freedom is being brave enough to use your voice and saying what you think; all out of love. Everybody is unique and I hope that everyone may and can use their authenticity in freedom. ????
Liz De Jongh
Bettina Reus
Freedom is for me to breathe in and breath out en let every day come with a great embrace. There is no guarantee for the way your living eceptian en still going on strong with a smile on my face. IAM4FREEDOM!
Bettina Reus
Natasja Jong
Jezelf kunnen zijn!
Natasja Jong
Daan Gorter
Freedom in its most absolute form means freedom from everything for me. Freedom from desires, needs, fears, cravings, addictions, dreams and suffering. What I read about enlightenment is the closest to that, which I have found so far. Even that concept seems so subjective that there is no ultimate truth. Through the countless unity experiences I have had, where I was in a space of no-space, a space of no-thingness, I know this exists. It is at this point for me challenging to incorporate this in every day life.

And at the same time, with all this knowledge, I feel freer than I have ever done before in my life. Freedom becomes a lifestyle. It becomes a way of living. At this moment I don’t have a house, nor a car, nor children nor a job with an employer. And I live an abundant life full of crazy experiences, beautiful connections, healthy food and lots of travel. The latter is for me the beauty. I can wake up tomorrow and decide to jump on a plane to South-America. I can stay away for 6 months if I want. There is ‘nothing’ that ties me to where I am right now. I am free. IAM4FREEDOM!
Daan Gorter
Arenda Breevaart
Hi my name is Arenda, I work as a Yoga teacher in Enkhuizen. Freedom for me is being able to do what I love, what makes my heart happy. Being able to fulfill my blueprint in this life and be of service to others. But the practice of real Freedom is way more important for me. Being able to sense behind the human sensations and experience that I am more than a person inside a body. That is real Freedom for me. Not taking my thoughts seriously and seeing where they come from. Feeling that I can never get hurt, because the Awareness of what we are only knows Bliss. I don't say it's easy and I am already there, but the practice gives me the glimpses of it and makes me want more of the real Freedom inside. In my work as a Yoga teacher and organizer of retreats I take people with me on that journey to Freedom. IAM4FREEDOM!
Arenda Breevaart
Orsaya Hertzinger-Snijders
Vrijheid is voor mij muziek maken in de breedste zin van het woord. Op het podium voel ik mij vrij. IAM4FREEDOM!
Orsaya Hertzinger-Snijders
ALL4FREEDOM is the prominent and promising people-powered platform, freedom-first community and the world’s leading, independent and international movement, moving, empowering and uniting unique, freedom-valuing, individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, world leaders and all, who, within their talent and time, connect, commit, campaign and contribute, actively, by demonstrating their dedication and devotion to defending and further-forwarding freedom, honouring human rights and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free, ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2024 | All rights reserved
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