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IAM4FREEDOM Hero content document with image and content


Everyone is free to his or her vision of what freedom means! Your freedom stories are the driving force behind ALL4FREEDOM's user-generated-content or should we say IAM4FREEDOM Hero-generated-content. There is an hero behind every story and a story behind every hero. Together they form the community's collection of freedom-related dreams, visions and anecdotes. Here are our heroes opening up about what freedom means for them. Feel free to find your friends by using the search functionality and click on any of the images to go straight to their profile and read all full freedom stories. Enjoy the our IAM4FREEDOM Hero's hall of fame and freedom!
In the meantime, log-in / sign-up as an IAM4FREEDOM Hero and add what freedom means for you, now!
Currently, there are 169 Heroes in this list.

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Steve Ince
To live our lives without the need to feel guilt or apologise for who we are.
Having grown up in Hull (where each year they have a Freedom Festival) freedom has always been an important part of local history. William Wilberforce, a former MP, fought for the abolition of slavery for many years.
Freedom and equal rights should exist for everyone.
Steve Ince
Sie Douglas-Fish
looking at anyone in the world and seeing an equal. Seeing someone you are not afraid of, and seeing every person as your brother, your sister, your sibling. We are all deserving of freedom and it is a human right. IAM4FREEDOM!
Sie Douglas-Fish
Keane Ip
Freedom is all about everyone need to be themselves, feel relaxed without any distractions. You would be in a peaceful place and you would really enjoy. This artwork is you or anyone in your peaceful place that you would feel free in your place. IAM4FREEDOM!
Keane Ip
Noel Strong
Freedom means feeling safe and welcome in your community and being extended the same opportunities as your peers. People should be able to work together, love and respect each other and advocate for fairness in all aspects of life. We are all humans, and are all deserving of leading happy lives. The injustices suffered by several groups of people, especially people of color, throughout history and continuously today need to be rectified if humanity hopes to thrive. Stop silencing POC. Our voices are valid and important. IAM4FREEDOM!
Noel Strong
David Lopera Gómez
For me, freedom means an everyday fighting against our inner ghosts and fears for becoming our dreams come true. IAM4FREEDOM!
David Lopera Gómez
Leonardo 369
live without discrimination or censorship. IAM4FREEDOM!
Leonardo 369
More than the meaning of my name. My first name means free.
Leo Pringadhy
When you can see, hear, feel, and think without pressure...... ?
Leo Pringadhy
Massimo Russo
My ART4FREEDOM is about all great doctors that are working so hard to defeat Coronavirus. As I think they are as heroes fighting for our freedom and health. Therefore the Batman’s glove punching the Covid-19 as a cartoon. We all want to be free again, this time, it wasn't just the authorities to blame but a virus from China. So, F@#¿ Covid-19. IAM4FREEDOM!
Massimo Russo
Maarten van Vuuren
I was 9 years old when Madiba lead us into a "New" South Africa. In 1994 all African South African's could vote for first time. My family rejoiced, as my father stood for equality. Racism did not exist in our house. IAM4FREEDOM!

It is now 27 years later and I'm sad to admit that Racism is still very much alive. He's just changed colour. So I realized that it doesn't matter what colour you are, as long as it's the same colour as the government. The Boer farmers are being assassinated while the government is hiding this fact. Affirmative action is killing our country since you don't get a job for skill but colour. The top dogs are stealing more and more while their own people are suffering. Everyone is born free, to love, free to be, and should be free from fear of being murdered for your skin colour. To keep this basic right is a daily war against the principle though that "I'm better than you"... I'm not > to feel this is evil. Let's not be evil.

Equality is a dream that the whole world should fight for. It's time to kill racism!
Maarten van Vuuren
Madhusudan Lal
Freedom means expression of life style, freedom of speech and freedom of protest with morality and ethics . Freedom does not means nudity, ferocity, corruption and crime at all. IAM4FREEDOM!
Madhusudan Lal
Tian Van Den Berg
Freedom to me is being able to walk in malls. go to concerts, walk on beaches, basically living life without restrictions. without fear that you may get Covid when going to the store or anywhere like that. Hopefully one day we will be able to return to the way things were. IAM4FREEDOM!
Tian Van Den Berg
ALL4FREEDOM is the prominent and promising people-powered platform, freedom-first community and the world’s leading, independent and international movement, moving, empowering and uniting unique, freedom-valuing, individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, world leaders and all, who, within their talent and time, connect, commit, campaign and contribute, actively, by demonstrating their dedication and devotion to defending and further-forwarding freedom, honouring human rights and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free, ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2024 | All rights reserved
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