1. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.‘we do have some freedom of choice’ 2. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
Freedom, hmmm... how free are we to all have our own opinion on freedom and what freedom means for us. Freedom could be sitting on your yacht with champagne, dancing to techno music or waking up next to a different one-night stand every week.
Freedom could be not being bullied around by schoolmates, not living under the domination of a despotic government and living in a city like Amsterdam...
However, we will just trim things down to the domestic level of distinguishing and explaining what freedom variations, we identify at IAM4FREEDOM - ALL4FREEDOM - FREEDOM4ALL.
When we speak of freedom, we mean freedom in its four-fold form: inner- and outer freedom, where we split the latter in national/vertical and local/horizontal freedom.
One thing about freedom is that everyone is free to have their own definition of what freedom means for them. We would like to know what you think and if, at some point, we add it all, we will have a pretty nice average of what freedom means for our audience.
How about if you give it a thought, write it down and upload your very own interpretation of what freedom means for you? For inspiration see what other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes said in our YOURSTORY4FREEDOM wall.
our heroes on freedom
Jody Rouwenhorst
I am Jody and IAM4FREEDOM! I've never felt more free than I'm feeling right now. To get so much love and positive feedback for just being yourself is kind of crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I would recommend it to anyone. I am a transgender girl and I am very proud of that. In this world it's not easy to be different, especially when it isn't a choice to be different but it's just how you're born. This is who I am and I've learned to be proud of myself. IAM4FREEDOM!
Joska Meijska
Freedom is not having to live according to the standard.. That it’s ok to step outside the lines. Or stay within if I want to. Freedom is dressing up sexy when I feel like it. Without disapproving or dirty looks from others. Freedom for me is the right to choose what I do, where, when and with whom and that others have that exact same right. Freedom is being respected. And giving back even if it’s not necessarily my savoir vivre. Freedom is living in a society free of religious dogma’s and imposed religious laws. Freedom is stepping under a waterfall when you see one. IAM4FREEDOM!
Marjolein Verbakel
I am Marjolein and IAM4FREEDOM! To me freedom means that you can live your own life. You make your own decisions and choices and no one can control your life for you. No one makes your decisions for you. Every moment and every single day. But it also means that you have to live with the consequences of the choices that you make, whether they are good or bad. Yes, I can live my own life and make my own choices. I can raise my kids the way I want to, and surround myself with people who I love. It means I can live where I want to and do the work I like to do. I do not have to ask anyone for permission to do these things. Because of all these freedoms, I'm grateful to live and be able to live my own life the way I want, as happy as I can. Sometimes we take freedom for granted and don't think of all the little things that we get to enjoy because we are free. When you stop and think about how different life would be without it, it makes you very thankful to live here and enjoy the promise of freedom. IAM4FREEDOM!
ALL4FREEDOM is a prominent and promising people-powered platform, a freedom-first community, and the world’s leading independent and international movement. We empower and unite unique, freedom-valuing individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, and world leaders. They connect, commit, campaign, and contribute actively within their talent and time. They demonstrate their dedication and devotion to defending and advancing freedom, honoring human rights, and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free - ALL 4FREEDOM!