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In the media

As we are still in beta-phase, soft-open and slow start and our commercials are still planned for production, actively acquiring free publicity and promotion in press and media is not what we dedicating our time to at the moment. However, if you think or feel you want to contribute to the cause by communicating with your community and channel's audience, who are we to stop you. Please feel free to contact us as we would love to hear all about your potential promotional possibilities.
This is where you will find the bounce back of ALL4FREEDOM's media attention, once we are in full flow. Till then, we take the opportunity of thanking all mainstream media partners of our previous Project Aware period.  They have helped us build the organisation from a freedom idea to the very ALL4FREEDOM community. All of the companies below, and many more, have helped out, ALL 4FREEDOM instead of an invoice. By offering their own core-business, in this case media attention,  they supported, completely without funds and money. Among others, we work(ed) with over 50 media sponsors during that Project Aware period and beyond.

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ALL4FREEDOM is a prominent and promising people-powered platform, a freedom-first community, and the world’s leading independent and international movement. We empower and unite unique, freedom-valuing individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, and world leaders. They connect, commit, campaign, and contribute actively within their talent and time. They demonstrate their dedication and devotion to defending and advancing freedom, honoring human rights, and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free - ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2025 | All rights reserved
Thanks for your visit and support!

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