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Everyone is free to his or her vision of what freedom means! Your freedom stories are the driving force behind ALL4FREEDOM's user-generated-content or should we say IAM4FREEDOM Hero-generated-content. There is an hero behind every story and a story behind every hero. Together they form the community's collection of freedom-related dreams, visions and anecdotes. Here are our heroes opening up about what freedom means for them. Feel free to find your friends by using the search functionality and click on any of the images to go straight to their profile and read all full freedom stories. Enjoy the our IAM4FREEDOM Hero's hall of fame and freedom!
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Currently, there are 169 Heroes in this list.

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Angelique Schutte
Freedom means to me; that I may be the woman I want to be, be free to say what I want, dress myself the way I want, may love who I want and have fun, hug, make love whenever I want, talk about the things I want to talk about, but also who I don't want to talk to. Leading my life the way I want, agreeing with whom I want, that without aggression and screaming, no form of oppression may sail my own course, that is Freedom for me !! That's how I want to live forever! IAM4FREEDOM!
Angelique Schutte
Iman Abrontan
Freedom means inner peace. Being free to be who you want to be and to do what you want to do, creates al lot of happiness.. Telling what is good for someone else and demanding a person to show some other behavior, will only limit the sense of happiness. This kind of desire will harm another, but eventually it will cause you and yourself even much more pain. So if you want to "change" someone, start by changing yourself. If you don’t want to have "evil" in your life, stop saying and thinking what "good" actually means. As long as you create a thing called "good" in your own life, there always will be also a thing called "bad" around you.. So ask al lot questions, show some curiosity, don't be a hypocrite and stop condemning.. Cause freedom is not for free .. ? IAM4FREEDOM!
Iman Abrontan
Marina Huber
Freedom for me is ability to move away from your phone.
Resulting in the elevation of humanity.
Freedom for me is the opportunity to share my story.
Freedom is the ability to picture the idea of reality and deal with it with an openmind.
Marina Huber
Rian Visser
Many things, I like to call freedom are actually achievements, which not everyone may enjoy. This is why I find it hard to name them, as my freedom soon become 'look-at-me' accomplishments.
I am very happy to be free as a freelancer without a boss. I can find financial freedom due to being able to live with little and not having to worry about money, as I live of my passion: writing. I think nobody should be forced to do unhealthy, dangerous or mind-numbing work. Unfortunately, on the level of freedom, much is wrong in this world. There are dictators, oppressive regimes, aggression and bullying and there is poverty. Many people are intimidated by governments, debt collection agencies and tax authorities. Apart from your circumstances, you can always try to find freedom in yourself. Personally, this has a lot to do with inner freedom and being satisfied. Realising that all is OK, as it is. Quite a thing, huh? Sometimes, such satisfaction spontaneously hits me but often there is much to wish for. IAM4FREEDOM!
Rian Visser
Michelle Brouwer
What does freedom mean to me and how do I experience freedom in life;
1. Live a life without stress and pressure
2. If I really want something badly, I can always count on support of my family and friends
3. Being healthy
4. Being satisfied, not constantly craving for things or doing stuff that is out of my reach
5. And things we should not take for granted; we can walk the streets without any threat. No war or pressure about religion. If I encounter a stranger, I wave and offer them a smile, without being afraid they’re willing to do you any harm. We should all be more aware of the freedom we have and fully value freedom.
Michelle Brouwer
Loraine Pijper
Freedom for me means to live free trough life. To make and do everything you feel like, and having the right to reject the things you don’t want. IAM4FREEDOM!
Loraine Pijper
Garrett Bresette
Freedom is the ability to move through life with the choices and the will to pursue happiness. IAM4FREEDOM!
Garrett Bresette
Helena Witschge
IN essence we are all freedom experiencing life in physical form!
We are all creators, free to choose how we create our lives…
We can all choose to take flight in our own unique way…
One of my unique ways is; letting the essence of things free flow from my heart into words…

Fly free bird
We all are...
Free birds; flying!

Flying our own course,
choosing our own direction!
Some consciously...
Others re-act on what life brings them.

We all are...
Free birds; flying!

Finding our passion,
opens our cages!
Following our happy flow,
expands our abundance...

We all are...
Free birds; flying!

You too can fly freely!
Smile and head for the clouds...
As they are waiting;
to support you to heights you never imagined!!!

We all are...
Free birds; flying!

We can all choose to be the Eagle in our own life!
Embracing the majestic Being we are!
Owning our Greatness!
Rising to new Heights moment to moment…
Experiencing our limitless nature!
And continue to Soar joyously on our flight!

Lets all be…
Free birds; thriving!
Helena Witschge
Oene van Geel
Freedom means freedom of movement. Space in which you can move your thoughts and actions freely, as long as you respect other people and your environment. In freedom, there is room for dialogue and being open to other points of view than your own. For me, freedom is also wishing others freedom, space and happiness. IAM4FREEDOM!
Oene van Geel
John Lauriola
My vision of freedom is to be yourself, Be – don’t try to become.
John Lauriola
Michy Knops
Freedom to me is listening to your sweetest dreams and bringing them into reaity by fearlessly following them, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone or makes you behave different than how people expect you to be. Yes, I think freedom to me means being in tune with the sweet whispers of my soul, and therefore being in tune with the world because I am in harmony with who I am? IAM4FREEDOM!
Michy Knops
Audrey Clarke
Freedom is to be and to love who you are and to wish that for everyone else too on this planet ? with love peace & music. IAM4FREEDOM!
Audrey Clarke
ALL4FREEDOM is the prominent and promising people-powered platform, freedom-first community and the world’s leading, independent and international movement, moving, empowering and uniting unique, freedom-valuing, individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, world leaders and all, who, within their talent and time, connect, commit, campaign and contribute, actively, by demonstrating their dedication and devotion to defending and further-forwarding freedom, honouring human rights and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free, ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
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