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Liliya Eruysal


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ART4FREEDOM meaning:
My ART4FREEDOM is a representation of prisons' failures to rehabilitate inmates and the cycle of freedom and incarceration. The prisoners' characters aren't improved through the degradation and punishment they are forced to face. Once a sentence is finished, they are unable to successfully return back to normalcy or their society, due to the fact that their crime forever stays with them. They won't be able to get a job, at times their own family refuses and rejects them, which leaves them with only one option left: to go back committing crime again. They aren't given a second chance.

'Limbo' depicts a young inmate character with a collar connected to a ball chain. This shows how one mistake, even in youth, can affect the individual for the rest of their life, without giving so much as another opportunity. The male has a good physique from the harsh labor he faced in prison, furthering to push this notion of strength through the complex meditative pose he is sustaining. His legs are shown to be transforming into the ends of a scythe's blade, representing how he is coming to accept his identity as the criminal, taking form of a reaper's weapon that takes life. In the background, there's a miniature window with daylight, potentially encompassing the individual's hope for freedom. However, most of it is blocked by the figure, displaying that the hopefulness is becoming less and less significant for the inmate. IAM4FREEDOM!
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ALL4FREEDOM is the prominent and promising people-powered platform, freedom-first community and the world’s leading, independent and international movement, moving, empowering and uniting unique, freedom-valuing, individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, world leaders and all, who, within their talent and time, connect, commit, campaign and contribute, actively, by demonstrating their dedication and devotion to defending and further-forwarding freedom, honouring human rights and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free, ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
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