Name: |
Ailen Colazo
Freedom is ... (importance) : |
the most important
About Yourself
Birthday: |
07 Jan
Current Country: | |
Nationality: |
ART4FREEDOM title: |
Corona Virus vs. Freedom
ART4FREEDOM meaning: |
My ART4FREEDOM is about how the coronavirus will destroy Freedom and we will destroy the coronavirus. The geometry of the network of consciousness that surrounds a planet changes when this planet's own consciousness also changes. The teachers and the great beings of light have always been very interested in our planet since we are carriers of very important information for them... They take care of us and love us, as we are but we behave in ways that are very strange to them, we fall into ridiculous temptations. Or we simply do it because we do not understand that our actions go to the memory of the Human Consciousness that is elevated and only some can enter there. Since information and knowledge can create intuition in humanity, which, in turn, implies liberation.The tools to free ourselves are always at our disposal, we just have to choose the source. Many of them are found in books, documentaries, music, videos, etc... we just have to be aware that the information that enters our brain is what we become... so tell me, what have you become lately? Have you become more or less yourself, more or less free?
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