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We start local, bottum-up, on micro level with small 4FREEDOM Projects, mostly focussed on people-to-people, social- or horizontal freedom. Only to expand to national- and worldwide, or macro levels with more challenging 4FREEDOM projects focussed on government-to-people, top-down dictatorships or vertical freedom. Let's walk you through the steps starting with whats in our hands and what we can do, towards what they can and, eventually, will have to do.


When we look at horizontal freedom, then think of bullying behaviour between the people and such situations where others deliberately limit/attack your freedom. Miserable moments where and when you experience being bullied at school, verbal and/or physical violence on the streets or the night scene, discrimination due to skin tone, religion, sexual orientation, handicap, hairdo, clothing, opinion, etc.

If you want to change the world, you have to start small and with yourself. Be the change you want to see. Locally, live the exemplary role. Originally, ALL4FREEDOM is a Dutch initiative, founded in Amsterdam, which might not be a mere coincidence. For centuries, the country and city are famous for their freedom, tolerance, open-mindedness and progression. Amsterdam, as a city and a living example to those still stuck and skeptic, should soon spread and swing its wings out to the awakening world of fine followers in search for future progress, wealth and happiness. In addition, The Netherlands is the ideal try-out land for lancing ALL4FREEDOM, new innovations and (television) concepts, housing i.e. The International Court of Justice in in The Hague. Starting slowly and locally, in Amsterdam, we all shall spread and sow the seeds by showing how it is and can be done.
From under the joint denominator, ALL4FREEDOM, different 4FREEDOM projects like i.e. IAM4FREEDOM, where users show that they are on board as freedom and the right to be yourself are concerned, are launched. Followed by (vertical) (inter)national freedom projects, WORLDLEADERS4FREEDOM and TOP4FREEDOM. In addition, new projects as INTERNET4FREEDOM, GLBT4FREEDOM and KIDS4FREEDOM and successful 4FREEDOM projects of the Project Aware period as DANCE4FREEDOM, PHOTO4FREEDOM and ART4FREEDOM are introduced and/or continued. MEDITATE4FREEDOM makes the movement mindful and helps our heroes improve their inner-freedom, act with wisdom, contribute from compassion, protest peacefully and power up their potential to the fullest, 4FREEDOM, from which all freedom-focussed actions are forwarded out into the world. All together, our 4FREEDOM projects target the spectrum of different audiences and stakeholders cleverly catering both short and long-term, local/national, horizontal/vertical and outer/inner freedom strategies.

Through 4FREEDOM projects, ALL4FREEDOM reaches her (potential) IAM4FREEDOM Heroes, who, again and also, work actively in recruiting new IAM4FREEDOM Heroes. At the same time, by connecting CROWDFUND4FREEDOM to their campaigns, IAM4FREEDOM heroes, simultaneously, safeguard a steady core-team, who, in turn, via SPONSORING4FREEDOM, take care of all the necessary means in product, service or expertise and, via WORK4FREEDOM, recruit the vital voluntary co-workers and interns to launch all foremost 4FREEDOM projects in order for the mission to succeed.
At for example, 50.000 IAM4FREEDOM Heroes and on behalf of them, ALL4FREEDOM shall submit a citizens' initiative in The Netherlands, the land of original launch, and place the FREEDOM4ALL subject on the House of Parliaments' and the Dutch FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES' agenda. A similar initiative exists in Europa at a million members. This opens the dialogue between the FREE PEOPLE and the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, which is fed via, among other things, monthly follow-ups and other projects.


Of course, 4FREEDOM projects are ideal to inspire IAM4FREEDOM Heroes here and have them help so-called horizontal local freedom on its way. People play an important part pairing with projects as DANCE4FREEDOM, KIDS4FREEDOM, PHOTO4FREEDOM, LGBTI+4FREEDOM, etc. From there on, we don't sit idle and collectively contribute to the cause and common ideal, as neither you or nobody, can be free until we are all free. We have noticed that we are not alone and therefore, we believe that this might just work, many heroes have had such a horizontal head start thus sending out that freedom vibe before you or which might have hailed you in and even more may freedom-valuing folk will follow from whatever actions you are about send and share. All aligned and focused, ALL4FREEDOM and FREEDOM4ALL!
 In order to offer a complete contribution to the cause, ALL4FREEDOM's strategy is therefore twofold and the 4FREEDOM projects are active on all fronts. Finding and foresting freedom from within and, en mass, forwarding freedom into the future and towards them totalitarian tormenting regimes, roughnecks and rascals. The global safeguarding of our freedom both at top-down (vertical) national governmental and global level, as well as locally among the general public (horizontal), is a crucial component of our future strategy and of mankind.
Feel free to click on through and check out our other 'How sections' on the about- or 4FREEDOM Projects pages.

With the self-supportive IAM4FREEDOM Hero community, ALL4FREEDOM launches and facilitates a share-able power-to-the-people-platform aiming at everyone, who values freedom enough to take action and has access to internet and social media, and people like you!
From their enthusiasm, the IAM4FREEDOM Heroes clearly make it visible that they love freedom and each send a personal signal, which mutually and multiplied, creates a collective, commanding and measurable international influence.

With IAM4FREEDOM and other 4FREEDOM projects, ALL4FREEDOM, primarily, aims to motivate and mobilize all the Free People. So, this is where you come in! Social issues, as the enforcement of the universal human rights, do not solely belong to the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES and NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES. The actual word already says it all, they are human rights and so, the human or in this case, you, come first. ALL4FREEDOM shall use her bottom-up crowd community to motivate the land's leaders both online, as well as with periodic physical actions. Beginning at the basics of building up your inner freedom via, for example, MEDITATE4FREEDOM, cultivating the compassion and contributing by acting accordingly and paying freedom forward into the outside world. It all starts with awareness and then action. This is why ALL4FREEDOM's first focus is on the 'human' part of human rights; of-, for-, and by, the people and people like you! Within a few minutes, you can already feel free and influence future freedom policies. So, start by being present in the presence, unleash you potential upon this planet and join!




Human rights are not related to political preference and therefore, can easily be placed on the political agendas of the various parties. Like you, in their hearts, even our world leaders value freedom. Yet, as an individual, they often lack the spirit, stamina and support to make a difference. Therefore, the obvious IAM4FREEDOM Hero counter (scores) offer the essential encouragement and necessary nudge to nicely shove Freedom issues forwards. WORLDLEADERS4FREEDOM thus makes our world leaders more and more involved, transparent and willing to work together on the human rights level.

Next, with the project WORLDLEADERS4FREEDOM, ALL4FREEDOM directly addresses the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES. According to the approach strategy, they are now next in line and have to come forward. As IAM4FREEDOM Heroes and the people's representatives of the Free People and various political parties, they play primal part due to their ruling role and beyond. Just as we would ask anyone else, they too are asked how they will handle, address and promote freedom politically. What are they going to do 4FREEDOM? Statistically, we shall communicate the outcome (their answers and comments) of X crowdsourced questions per deadline directly back to the people and to make sure that their commitment is not a common crowdpleaser. If necessary, the WORLDLEADERS4FREEDOM shall, repeatedly, be reminded of their responsibilities, reports and super hero status. Every Y months their duties/actions are measured to see if they are still on track with their targets and if not, on behalf of the Free People, we shall demand them to take the appropriate action in order to stick to their end of the deal.
Once a year, on Prinsjesdag or the third Tuesday of September, in The Hague, the Dutch government announces its financial and fiscal plans for the next parliamentarian year. This is how it is done for centuries and in the early days, people then celebrated the birthdays of the Princes of Orange Tuesdays and so-called patriots held demonstrations to promote organism. These freedom fighter forefathers were the premier promoters of a more representative people's parliament, tolerance and freedom of expression. Therefore, this time-worn tradition shall no longer shine its light only on financial frame of mind but bring in the importance of-, and government intentions on, human rights, the right to be yourself and freedom for the year to come. Additionally, a questions and answers debate shall take place between the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES and the Free People.




Quite different to the aforementioned Prinsjesdag, this time it is not just the local leaders, who will have to come up with their plans for a freedom-filled future but the people's representatives/presidents of all countries who come together to communicate their global goals. With the project TOP4FREEDOM, ALL4FREEDOM relies on the already approached FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, as well as the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES to make special move and super hero stance. And as, this time, the ball is now firmly in the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES' court, on behalf of the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, the Free People and the NON FREE PEOPLE, the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES are reminded of their responsibilities and duties/actions. This TOP4FREEDOM can be either a unique event heroically hosted by a different country each edition or added as an additional agenda to an already existing event such a climate summit in order to save costs and guarantee the presence of plentiful presidents. Here it is heroes versus villains in their vindicating face-to-face and verbal fight, 4FREEDOM!
By placing FREEDOM4ALL on the TOP4FREEDOM's political agenda and treating the subject as equally as, for instance, the economic- or other interests, a significant influence is effectively exercised on the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, who do not (yet) respect the human rights, to alter their policy towards an overall and wonderful, win-win for the world and FREEDOM4ALL.

On the TOP4FREEDOM, representatives from countries all over the world gather in order to set the next steps towards a worldwide win-win and binding human rights agreement. The political participants are more and more interdependent of what the public opinion thinks and says about them, and under the lead of the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, can only work clearly and visibly to end the human rights violations, stand up for individual freedom and the right to be oneself and be free (BSUR).


(Why we do this)

These are the people, for which the Free People and the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, and finally, the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, are all doing this, for whom they stand up and in the end, even alter their power and policies. Also the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, as individuals and IAM4FREEDOM Heroes instead of officers, frequently stand 4FREEDOM, but often miss sufficient support to step up and say/do something substantial. The communication back and forth with the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, strengthens their willpower and motivation. Eventually, the number of NON FREE PEOPLE shall slowly, yet exponentially, decline during the ALL4FREEDOM's lifespan and the number of Free People shall slowly increase proportionally towards approaching the idyllic 100% in the heroic happy end of FREEDOM4ALL!

When we think national freedom, think of situations at a top-down, governmental level where the responsible NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES do not use their powerful army to protect but to oppress, thus disabling freedom for their own gain. In order to offer a complete contribution to the cause, ALL4FREEDOM's strategy is therefore twofold and the 4FREEDOM projects are active on all fronts. Finding and foresting freedom from within and, en mass, forwarding freedom into the future and towards them totalitarian tormenting regimes, roughnecks and rascals. The global safeguarding of our freedom both at top-down (vertical) national governmental and global level, as well as, locally, among the general public (horizontal), is a crucial component of our future strategy and of mankind.
Feel free to click on through and check out our other 'How sections' on the about- or 4FREEDOM Projects pages.

Thanks to the aforementioned 4FREEDOM projects, the number of NON FREE PEOPLE shall decline during the ALL4FREEDOM's lifespan and the number of FREE PEOPLE shall increase proportionally towards approaching the idyllic 100% in the end and thus, FREEDOM4ALL! FREEDOM4ALL may not be possible, but we want to give it a try anyway. So, don't step aside and come join the ride, on the road to freedom!
When we think national freedom, think of situations at a top-down, governmental level, where the responsible NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES do not use their powerful army to protect but to oppress, thus disabling freedom for their own gain. In order to offer a complete contribution to the cause, ALL4FREEDOM's strategy is therefore twofold and the 4FREEDOM projects are active on all fronts. Finding and foresting freedom from within and, en mass, forwarding freedom into the future and towards them totalitarian tormenting regimes, roughnecks and rascals. The global safeguarding of our freedom both at top-down (vertical) national governmental and global level, as well as, locally, among the general public (horizontal), is a crucial component of our future strategy and of mankind.

Feel free to click on through and check out our other about- or 4FREEDOM Projects pages.
ALL4FREEDOM is the prominent and promising people-powered platform, freedom-first community and the world’s leading, independent and international movement, moving, empowering and uniting unique, freedom-valuing, individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, world leaders and all, who, within their talent and time, connect, commit, campaign and contribute, actively, by demonstrating their dedication and devotion to defending and further-forwarding freedom, honouring human rights and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free, ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2024 | All rights reserved
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