Paul Klever
Only in true freedom an individual can fully deploy and develop his/her mind and idea's, and therefore be a worthful contributor to a (free) society.
Pauline S
Mark Kooijman
I am Mark Kooijman and IAM4FREEDOM! Freedom is important. It means getting to do what you want to do, making your own choices.
Maya Panday
I want to share en encourage people to make their own choices, to release themselves from every string in this world that is keeping them down.
Jesus Contreras García
Our world deserves we fightning for it to become a better place every day.
26 reasons to join

Always wanted to be a Hero, since you were a kid? Now is your chance to make that dream come true and help improve and free the world. And do you remember how, even after an action movie was finished, you (still) related to (the energy of) that Hero? Relive those tremendous times and fine feelings all over again, and be on top of the world by becoming an IAM4FREEDOM Hero. Follow the footsteps of former freedom fighters. Do good, feel good and feel free!

Feel Free

You can no longer stand aside just observing injustice. Equal rights and justice are what make you tick and feel free. Now is the time to take action and start doing something about freedom-related unfairness. This ALL4FREEDOM power-to-the-people platform provide you the opportunity to become the judge and jury.

Individual Influence
Via social media and -sharing, you solve a social problem and shape the future of freedom. Your individual influence and the number of (potential) IAM4FREEDOM Heroes, who, via viral videos and promotional posters, post and share, in their turn, (personal) content on their social sites/networks, thanks to you, grows, globally, every day.

As throughout history, millions of people, have given their lives 4FREEDOM, we now appeal to you to live and join the first global movement that puts freedom first. As no other, you want nothing more than to be free. Realize that the future should be filled with freedom. Decide to defend, and work on your freedom and that of others, and doing so highlighting an important topic to you. Our ideology is universal and stands close to what you want. Besides transparency, a personal connection with freedom is your most common used argument to support the cause, 4FREEDOM, ALL4FREEDOM AND FREEDOM4ALL!

Not Self-evident
You know that freedom is vital, yet not self-evident. Only through continuous and collective contribution, can we defend, spread and develop freedom. For the first time in history, you can help create a world where we all are free.

Mutual Ideals
You want to be free, as your freedom is important to you; many others and us, also believe in freedom and want this to happen! As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, you are involved in the mutual mission and help to bring the ideals even closer. You’ll notice that with your contribution you hugely influence the realization of our wishes and objectives that you value most.

Respect and Sympathy
As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, and by sharing the freedom message and (personal) content, you stand in the spotlights, positively, and receive sympathy among your (social media) relations; great for your image, online reputation and network. Your participation is looked upon with respect and others shall follow you.

Social Involvement
As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, you are socially involved and very valuable, initially at local level and later-on at global level. You raise and improve importance issues as freedom. First, you free yourself and while you’re at it, others find freedom because of you as you involve them to join, to improve and free themselves.

It's Free
Improving your life and that of others has never been so simple. An IAM4FREEDOM Hero account is free, voluntary, easy, border-less, non-binding and by choice anonymous. IAM4FREEDOM meets the need to be free and contribute to FREEDOM4ALL. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Power to protest
As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero you can stand-up 4FREEDOM, for who you are, who you want to be and for those who cannot. As in many countries there is no access to unlimited internet, which is why they cannot defend themselves, it is important that, for example, in The Netherlands and Europe (where one can protest/demonstrate (online/offline)), you too respond to this request for help and 4FREEDOM. Please pin your colours to the mast and do what must be done. So, why join? Just, because you (still) can!

IAM4FREEDOM Hero, it is you who decides to what degree you activate your contribution and which different 4FREEDOM projects you join. Feel ALL4FREEDOM’s freedom and voluntary nature. Feel free!


Take on the challenge, dare to choose life, freedom and get the best out of you. Be the example, you wish to be. Trigger your friends to compete against your campaigns and Challenge them to beat you with a higher position on the highscore list of successful IAM4FREEDOM Heroes.


As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, your input is direct output and results in brand-awareness, free publicity, media attention, traffic to the site, growing number of other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes, sponsors, partners and personal online content. It is you who ensures freedom and changes your/the world, for yourself and others, immediately and in the long run, locally but also globally.

Global Change
Besides the fact that IAM4FREEDOM involves you with your freedom and freedom in your own area, together with other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes, you now have the chance to fuel a positive freedom change on a global level. Due to endless possibilities of the multilingual action site, the reach is worldwide, with the exception of the locations where imposed limits deny access and block all ALL4FREEDOM (sub)sites.

Internet Era
You live in a time of growing internet coverage and smartphone popularity. You are connected to everyone. This is why your influence via ALL4FREEDOM is international, accessible and huge. Today, there are more possibilities to unite individuals 4FREEDOM than during the whole history of mankind. Time to move the movement!

As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero you are actively involved with the different decisions of the crowd-sourced and -created ALL4FREEDOM projects and policy. Priorities and project activities are planned on the basis of the answers you provide in various polls. Democratically, you decide what the future of freedom will look like.

More and more governments copy the hard-hand model of the dictatorial regime of economically successful superpower China. This is a direct threat to 4FREEDOM in those countries, neighbouring countries and the rest of the world. Dictators are trending and freedom makes way for total control. Only you/we can make such change 4FREEDOM. Unfortunately, now, more than ever, it is time for ALL4FREEDOM.

Are you also fed up with the World, where world leaders fully violate human rights everywhere and some people do not let others be (free)? Do you no longer feel free in your neighbourhood, at your work or when you go out? Then, IAM4FREEDOM is just the thing for you! Be yourself and therefore, step into a world where we really value freedom and respect each other for who they are.

Donation Fatigue
Are you donation fatigue? Fed up with corruption, commercialization, big fat CEO salaries, expensive office buildings, hard marketing, bad investments and other NGO scandals? Then, ALL4FREEDOM is just the thing for you, as we focus on freedom, on you, the human being, transparency and not on money. And we do NOT ask for donations and we have the business community cover and sponsor all costs.

Within the organization and way beyond, you can feel a vibe filled with enthusiasm. You can now be a part of this! For years, ALL4FREEDOM consciously works with a highly motivated team of driven volunteers and interns. With your time, knowledge and skills, you are responsible for the implementation and success of the 4FREEDOM projects and activities. Without the engaged volunteers, ALL4FREEDOM would not exist. Safeguard the mission and also join the team that shares your ideals!

Know that ALL4FREEDOM builds upon the proven concepts, branding, high rating and success rate from the former Project Aware period, which has been operational since 2004. Right from the start, we run ALL4FREEDOM with a very skilled, engaged and driven team, including the two initiators. We have substantial experience in running such an organization, managing and motivating volunteers, contracting sponsors and deliver output in optimizing and achieving the objectives. If you are still in doubt, this may help you to have confidence in its success.

We Need You
ALL4FREEDOM is of all and for all and will only work when we all do our part in making it grow. Without your participation, it will not exist; the movement would have barely taken roots and the common objective cannot be achieved. Throughout history, too many people have already sacrificed their lives for freedom, although we all want to be free. Freedom is vital for everyone to flourish, flow and grow. We need freedom and you, now!

Perhaps the best reason of them all. Try! If you lay back behind your computer, tablet or smartphone and do nothing, you will never be able to say that you tried. Now, the option to become an IAM4FREEDOM Hero has crossed your path. You know that you (still) have this choice, where others have no access. So, be active as an IAM4FREEDOM Hero and prove you can make a change!