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All PROJECTS4FREEDOM come together and contribute to the cause and cross-promoting to each other. How PROJECTS4FREEDOM work? A quick explanation.


Via attention or awareness, everything starts with awareness, even Project Aware and via the PROJECTS4FREEDOM Interest and Desire are aroused to contribute and take Action. You are only addressed via different modern media and communication and all PROJECTS4FREEDOM but, especially, by the involved IAM4FREEDOM Heroes in your own network who share personal content on their/your own social networks via viral videos, promotional posters and t-shirts. It is always about creating awareness of freedom and the right to be yourself to inspiring you and other potential IAM4FREEDOM Heroes to visiting the community website and activating you/them.


On the IAM4FREEDOM area of the site, you come across the mutual mission and from your enthusiasm and as a token of support and as a IAM4FREEDOM Hero, you act and join a 4FREEDOM project. Having valued your freedom, you show that you are 4FREEDOM and that freedom is important enough to take action and the time for.


Next, as an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, you interact with your network, by posting personal content and cross-promoting with our general communication. Thus inspiring your co-workers, family, friends, neighbours and social circle to do similarly and actively communicate the cause and campaign.


As an IAM4FREEDOM Hero, there are ways in which you help safeguard the continuity of the cause and core-team by buying merchandise and tickets to events. Furthermore, as a freelancer or company owner, you contribute by crowdfunding and/or core-business sponsorship in product, service or expertise.


Besides all online communication, you are active in real life and join the freedom flash-mobs and events to help create the crowds necessary for sending out successful signals of freedom. Next, you spread pictures and video-footage of yourself and others in action to promote future events and keep the crowd-created campaigns alive.


With MEDITATE4FREEDOM, PHOTO4FREEDOM and example figure, you and the other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes do not only fuel all projects and success of ALL4FREEDOM but embody, experience and bring freedom in practice and daily live. Short term local change is instantly visible in your neighbourhood thanks to your individual input.


As to complement your individual actions above, actions at schools, companies, clubs and other events shall boost the output of the kindred-spirited groups. For example, you can organise a IAM4FREEDOM day or moment where, with one or more partner organisations, you present the mission and movement making all members aware of the importance of freedom and the right to be yourself.


You and all other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes personally send out a signal, which, when multiplied, becomes a powerful and collective online signal, our so-called IAM4FREEDOM Hero community counter. This measures the your involvement and the range and success of your IAM4FREEDOM actions.


The IAM4FREEDOM community counter is consciously communicated both prominently and openly via all channels. Thus motivating more (potential) IAM4FREEDOM Heroes to join. In addition, our range is measured to motivate the FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES and NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES to keep their promises and stick to their scheduled targets. Important freedom issues are then placed on the political agendas realising long-term change on a global scale.


ALL4FREEDOM will start with try-out 4FREEDOM projects in The Netherlands, organised from our headquarters in Amsterdam, continue to campaign abroad in the bordering countries of the EU in order to roll-out the ALL4FREEDOM initiative as a snowball effect 4FREEDOM. ALL4FREEDOM operates both online as offline. Thanks to the great- and ever growing internet coverage and potential, the popularity of social media, smartphones and our action site, combined with multi lingual support, the accessibility is universal, with the exception of those locations where, due to limitations, imposed by the NON FREE PEOPLE REPRESENTATIVES, access is denied and blocked for ALL4FREEDOM (sub-)sites.


All 4FREEDOM projects contribute actively and bottom-up to the whole. Also see the ALL4FREEDOM mission and strategy and IAM4FREEDOM for more info. thanks to her renewed strategy and projects such as LGTBI4FREEDOM, KIDS4FREEDOM, INTERNET4FREEDOM, etc. ALL4FREEDOM can, in contrast to the past Project Aware period, feedback results transparently on the long run and level of universal human rights and FREEDOM4ALL, as well as interim reports on on short term local, deeds, goals and results of freedom and the right to be yourself.

...and so, one day, will you and every other IAM4FREEDOM Hero, reflect on how you stood up and joined forces, 4FREEDOM projects, ALL4FREEDOM and for FREEDOOM4ALL! And as every heroic story, so do you look around and feel the freedom and not just the right-, but the everyday natural urge, to be yourself. And we all lived in freedom forever after... Mission accomplished. Over and out!
Also check our other 'how' sections on our about page.

ALL4FREEDOM is a prominent and promising people-powered platform, a freedom-first community, and the world’s leading independent and international movement. We empower and unite unique, freedom-valuing individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, and world leaders. They connect, commit, campaign, and contribute actively within their talent and time. They demonstrate their dedication and devotion to defending and advancing freedom, honoring human rights, and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free - ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2025 | All rights reserved
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