By now, you must be considering to form a partnership with ALL4FREEDOM! Good choice and if still in doubt, our SPONSOR4FREEDOM companies stated these 27 reasons for sponsoring ALL4FREEDOM. Like every other company before you, and with many more to come, we also welcome you to join our network of over 200 kindred-spirited sponsors. See for yourself how those who preceded you are no different from you, and what motivated them to heroically support our mission 4FREEDOM and the right to be yourself!
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After the key phase of Awareness & Attitude, it is now time for action and change. Therefore, ALL4FREEDOM shall be launching its numerous new 4FREEDOM projects, actions and activities in and beyond the Netherlands. To take this next new step, we again rely on the efforts of good people and their readiness to provide us with means. Thus far, Project Aware ran exclusively on volunteers and sponsoring in the form of products, services or expertise. This ideal, super-transparent construction shall of course continue to serve as the basis of ALL4FREEDOM in the years to come. Similarly, our 100% sponsoring rate through core-businesses will ensure that all our means continue to be raised 4FREEDOM rather than for an invoice!
However, in order to enable a variety of sponsors to also contribute with money and therewith help guaranteeing the continuity and effectiveness of our organization, we have launched the project CROWDFUND4FREEDOM. This enables us to maintain a small, permanent and sponsored core team next to the aforementioned means and people. Without CROWDFUND4FREEDOM, it is unlikely that ALL4FREEDOM will remain targeted and sustainable towards the future.
Together with over 55.000 supporters of the previous Project Aware period, we have prepared both previously successful initiatives, a range of new 4FREEDOM projects and the launch of ALL4FREEDOM’s next phase, starting with the launch of the interactive community known as beta. To effectively take up all remaining tasks and activities (see also our timeline), our small core team however depends on funding. Through CROWDFUND4FREEDOM, we appeal to everyone who shares the ideal of freedom and wants to support ALL4FREEDOM financially. So, how important is freedom for you? Crowdfund today and support our continuity 4FREEDOM!
Together with over 55.000 supporters of the previous Project Aware period, we have prepared both previously successful initiatives, a range of new 4FREEDOM projects and the launch of ALL4FREEDOM’s next phase, starting with the launch of the interactive community known as beta. To effectively take up all remaining tasks and activities (see also our timeline), our small core team however depends on funding. Through CROWDFUND4FREEDOM, we appeal to everyone who shares the ideal of freedom and wants to support ALL4FREEDOM financially. So, how important is freedom for you? Crowdfund today and support our continuity 4FREEDOM!

If you don’t join us, then who will? Let’s not wait until someone else takes the first step!
With the project CROWDFUND4FREEDOM, ALL4FREEDOM offers your company the chance to send out a strong and socially responsible signal. As a sponsor and entrepreneur, together with over 55.000 supporters who preceded you, you can now show that freedom and the right to be yourself is important enough for you to proactively take action. That being said, it of course does not mean that you should not receive anything in return. In fact, we would be delighted to offer all parties involved and those supporting ALL4FREEDOM the additional bounce back benefits of communicative counter rewards and sincerely positive PR. In this way, everyone takes part in the promotion, the passion of powering the 4FREEDOM projects, and our shared ideal! This type of affiliation will surely generate a positive contribution to your company. By joining us, you will enter into a progressive collaboration with other forward-thinking CROWDFUND4FREEDOM sponsors. Depending on your sponsor amount, you may enjoy different perks of interesting and unique sponsor packages.
With the project CROWDFUND4FREEDOM, ALL4FREEDOM offers your company the chance to send out a strong and socially responsible signal. As a sponsor and entrepreneur, together with over 55.000 supporters who preceded you, you can now show that freedom and the right to be yourself is important enough for you to proactively take action. That being said, it of course does not mean that you should not receive anything in return. In fact, we would be delighted to offer all parties involved and those supporting ALL4FREEDOM the additional bounce back benefits of communicative counter rewards and sincerely positive PR. In this way, everyone takes part in the promotion, the passion of powering the 4FREEDOM projects, and our shared ideal! This type of affiliation will surely generate a positive contribution to your company. By joining us, you will enter into a progressive collaboration with other forward-thinking CROWDFUND4FREEDOM sponsors. Depending on your sponsor amount, you may enjoy different perks of interesting and unique sponsor packages.
As a CROWDFUND4FREEDOM sponsor, you can position your company as corporate socially responsible and successful. Wouldn’t it be fantastic, if together with the ALL4FREEDOM team, you would take on the challenge to send a positive and powerful signal out into the world? Next to all the corresponding rewards, you are also entitled to receiving a tax advantage as your sponsoring is tax-deductible. ALL4FREEDOM does not operate with subsidiaries or donations and is fully sponsored by business contributions in product(s), service(s) or expertise, in addition to the funds generated by this CROWDFUND4FREEDOM project.

As we are standing on the eve of (re)launching various 4FREEDOM projects and further developing and expanding the promising community / beta site, it is therefore crucial that company crowdfunding ensures that we can keep up the good work during this essential stage of our organization. Those of you who enter now and sponsor as an early-believer will thus enable us to realize these (new) 4FREEDOM projects and activities. As a token of our gratitude for your contribution at this most influential and important moment, when ALL4FREEDOM is not yet visibly active everywhere, we shall always and specially place your sponsorship in our spotlight. With your entrepreneur spirit, you can make the difference because you are someone believes our ideas, efforts, energy and commitment might just lead to something great. Together with other entrepreneurs, you take therefore take your first steps to freedom. We have already made a start, and we would love to finish what we started with you in our midst. So, are you ready to take on this challenge right now, rather than later? Do you wish to belong to a special and innovative group 4FREEDOM, then sponsor us through CROWDFUND4FREEDOM now, and deliver a contribution that nicely fits your company's capacity!

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