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TODAY'S ARTWORK IS AGAIN THANKS 2 ADAM STORPIRSTIS. THANKS VERY MUCH, WE APPRECIATE IT 🖤👍🖤 @adomasstorpirstis Name: Adam Storpirstis TItle:    Abomination Boss Meaning:       My ART4FREEDOM is about this huge monster who is the authority and claims itself to be the authority, even though the majority does not accept his authority. The monster declares itself to be the authority, over and over again, sucking the power source, the people's freedom and wasting humanity’s time of the present and the future. Mad Max’s Immortan Joe is angry, powerful, cruel and nasty, promising no future, quite the opposite of humanity, which seeks to obtain freedom, advanced technology, worldwide peace, a fruitful digital age and planetary travel. The Abomination Boss appears to look like a twenty-meter construction, made from rusty metal, sewn flesh, old parts and heck knows what else. The more people it harms, the more of an abomination it will become, and one day, it will not be able to move, due to its weight and chaotic structure. Eventually, even the strongest and the most loyal soldiers will not be able to carry their burden's weight, as the ideal minds who once believed in its philosophy, will abandon its voice. Freeing ourselves could mean we need to free the Abomination Boss. IAM4FREEDOM! Insta: URL: #iam4freedom #photo4freedom #all4freedom #freedom4all #art4freedom #artistsoninstagram


Sorry we didn't post anything lately, but we are still in Barcelona due to the health of the parents of one of the initiators, almost 3 months now due to covid, also it is difficult to arrange everything to travel back 2 Amsterdam, as the pcr test and a fast test are needed 👀😳 so we hope to be back the 19th this month?!. Luckily they're feeling better and back home. So today we felt like posting this wonderful artpiece. Thanks 4 your support and motivation. TODAY'S ARTWORK IS THANKS 2 Leonardo Papi 🙏💜 Name: Leonardo Papi Title:    Arca Dei Bomboloni Meaning:       My ART4FREEDOM is about the loss of freedom on the main road of Lido di Camaiore (Tuscany), which is where the fried doughnuts shop, where I work as a shop-assistant, is situated. The character in the middle is the shop owner. As you might see, the composition is taken from the film 'I am Legend', and based on a Covid-19 theme. I transformed this angle of my city in a post-apocalyptic scenario. I decided to ruin everything except for the doughnut shop on the right. Thus, I wanted to send some hope and freedom too, a mental message of freedom to keep trying to fight, live and die for freedom and our values, which can lost just like that as something as covid-19 comes along or some totalitarian regime threatens to oppress the world. Even if everything around you seems to be in ruins, destroyed or gone, you must stand strong and walk your way towards your personal freedom. In the case of Covid-19 hitting everyone's freedom, don't let them get to you, make sure we come out even more strong and free. IAM4FREEDOM! Thanks 4 sharing your art with us!🙏💜 Facebook: URL:


Today's artwork is thanks 2 @darkredspacex We appreciate your words and wonderful art🙏💙 Name: Emre TUNA Title:    Plague Doctors Meaning:       My ART4FREEDOM is about freedom of course but also about how we haven't learned much, as we still have to fight for freedom and against a virus. I took my first days in quarantine quite seriously and, as a joke, I drew the artwork to feel free and be able to look at a funny situation. A month later, my country became one of the places where the corona virus was seen the highest. Everyone was in fear and freedom was lost. There were many deaths, economic and mental destruction. After my long quarantine experience, my drawing began to gain a greater meaning. This drawing, which will remind me of the government and the people's unconscious crisis management similar to back in the Middle Ages. I hope it will be in my mind as a distant memory of the Medieval and Plague doctors and we will all soon be free again, never taking freedom for granted and lessons learned. My ART4FREEDOM goes through saying freely, feeling free, whatever or wherever my head's contents are. Sometimes, this is tough as I do my art from a place where freedom of expression and equal opportunities are eliminated and some parts of the society are systematically marginalized. Although all of these are big obstacles, I can share my art with people and somewhat reduce the pain via ALL4FREEDOM-like platforms. I hope that one day we can live in a world where nobody has to live in fear and all are free, but will continue to work and fight for freedom, until that day IAM4FREEDOM URL:


Todays artwork is thanks 2 Emre Tuna. Thanks 4 sharing your art and story with us, very appreciated ✌ 🙏💙 Name: Emre Tuna Title:    Parasite Meaning:       My ART4FREEDOM is about how unfree one can feel within the artificial boundaries imposed by capitalism; living in tight, tight-fitting boxes that make us feel as if they are trapped by an inequality of opportunity, a particular caste system, and I tried to reflect the feeling of being stuck. I hope my drawing pushes you to think about these issues and become a hero by doing something against such oppression and fight for freedom. Also I hope you like my 'Parasite' drawing. My ART4FREEDOM goes through saying freely, feeling free, whatever or wherever my head's contents are. Sometimes, this is tough as I do my art from a place where freedom of expression and equal opportunities are eliminated and some parts of the society are systematically marginalized. Although all of these are big obstacles, I can share my art with people and somewhat reduce the pain via ALL4FREEDOM-like platforms. I hope that one day we can live in a world where nobody has to live in fear and all are free, but will continue to work and fight for freedom, until that day. IAM4FREEDOM! URL: #iam4freedom #all4freedom #freedom4all #photo4freedom #beyourself #art4freedom #artistsoninstagram #therighttobeyourself #freedom #freedomstory #iam4freedom_all4freedom #freedom2art #digitalart #freedomofcreativity


Today's artwork is thanks 2 Meli Love. Thanks for sharing, very appreciated ✌ 🙏💜💋 . Name: Meli Love Title:    Angel's hand Meaning:         My ART4FREEDOM is about not being free due to discrimination. In Russia, the topic of racial discrimination and BLM events in America is very superficially covered. This is understandable, because no such problem surfaces in this part of the continent. However, various kinds of discrimination are present everywhere, regardless of country and race. This is very sad and we must fight this. Living our own lives and letting others live theirs is everyone's choice. Freedom of speech and views is a big question. I didn’t think much about it, even when the rallies began in America... until I saw the Instagram the page of an African-American woman (youngmash) who was born and lives in Russia, who knows that due to our local mentality, we do not understand the reasons for the unrest and anger experienced by her people. That evening, when she tried to explain with examples and evidence, her words shook me to the core. I created this art as an expression of moral support for all suffering souls. I see your anger and pain, I can’t know what exactly you feel but remember, you are not alone. And we are ALL4FREEDOM. And therefore, IAM4FREEDOM! URL: . #iam4freedom #all4freedom #freedom4all #photo4freedom #beyourself #art4freedom #artistsoninstagram #therighttobeyourself #freedom #freedomstory #iam4freedom_all4freedom #freedom2art #digitalart #freedomofcreativity #stopdiscrimination #liveandletlive

ALL4FREEDOM is a prominent and promising people-powered platform, a freedom-first community, and the world’s leading independent and international movement. We empower and unite unique, freedom-valuing individuals, companies, clubs, media, projects, partnering organizations, and world leaders. They connect, commit, campaign, and contribute actively within their talent and time. They demonstrate their dedication and devotion to defending and advancing freedom, honoring human rights, and respecting the right to be yourself and to be free - ALL 4FREEDOM!

Created4FREEDOM in Amsterdam
© A4F 2004-2025 | All rights reserved
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