As other forums and social media giants increasingly and successfully censor so-called 'misinformation', silencing what they see as opposition and presenting their one-sided propaganda, we hope to offer you an open and free flow of your content. Whatever happened to the good old times when we were allowed to think for ourselves? When you yourself, instead of 'they', got to filter and decide if something was suitable or not?
The promise of the internet from the very start was that it should be a tool of liberation, of egalitarianism, a place where we all could be free, free to have debates and different opinions, and have access to whatever content available based on the premise that, if you don't like it, you shouldn't look. As a facilitating platform of your information, reaching many people on a global scale, we feel we have a moral and legal responsibility to deliver all content clearly, organically and without any political censorship. Only by comparing contrasting content carefully, can you carve your own character with a variety of different viewpoints. Therefore, it’s not our job to “fact check” (political) opinions, news, history, math problems, memes, or anything else.
Naturally, we will take action to remove illegal activity. For example, posts encouraging or inciting violence, illegal activity, threats of violence, doxxing, pornography, child exploitation, and spam are NOT allowed. Nor do we allow the obvious floods of government propaganda and trolls misusing our FORUM4FREEDOM as they do on other platforms. If you bump into any of the above, feel free to help us out by
reporting the post/user and we will take action.
More on our 'Community Guidelines' here soon...