Our PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery is a wide variety of diverse and different photo's of our users out there who want to show that they are ALL4FREEDOM & the right to be yourself and do something simple for a more freedom-filled future.
In order to show in our PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery, your image must go through the following few steps. Perhaps one of them has not been completed or incorrectly set?
- Upload: did you succesfully upload the image via your IAM4FREEDOM Hero account / edit profile / Freedom-tab?
- Update: did you click on the 'Update' button at the bottom of the our IAM4FREEDOM Hero account / edit profile / Freedom-tab?
- Moderation: your image needs to be approved by our moderation staff, prior to showing in our PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery. Due to our voluntary crew, please allow time for this or contact us
- Order: our PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery is set to display artworks in order of IAM4FREEDOM Hero account registration. Perhaps your artwork is visible on another page?
Did you follow all the steps of our helpguide 'How to upload your PHOTO4FREEDOM?'
Due to our nature of working without money and our sponsored hosting capacity, etc. we are forced to set the upload limits for the PHOTO4FREEDOM images.
On our social media pages, we will, of course, share your artwork in higher resolution and filesize. Thanks for your understanding.
* Need an online tool to resize your image for web?
Feel free to use this free third-party suggested site or Android app
After you have uploaded your image succesfully to our PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery and/or emailed the image and YOURSTORY4FREEDOM, and you want us to share it on our social media sites, your entry will come on the long list of the many posts we wish to share. We aim to post a PHOTO4FREEDOM at least once a month, as we also post other content. Please be patient and allow time for the scheduling and posting or contact us. Thanks for your understanding.
At ALL4FREEDOM, we aim to be as open, honest and transparent as possible and encourage our users to follow our lead. Furthermore, we stand for freedom and the right to be yourself and therefore create a safe environment where you can feel free to be who you are. Nonetheless, we can imagine that there are certain reasons or regimes that will not alow you to add such images without getting into trouble. The last thing we want and quite the opposite of our mission is for our users to be threatened or oppressed. Therefore, we understand that some users will need to protect themselves by using an artist alias instead of their real name or by holding the print to cover parts of your face. So, in short, yes one can add an artwork anonymously.
Yes, of course! Feel free to proudly promote your PHOTO4FREEDOM and ALL4FREEDOM's mission. You mention the following handles and URL's: PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery:
Instagram: @iam4freedom_all4freedom
Facebook: @iam4freedom
LinkedIn: @all4freedom
Twitter: @iam4freedom2
YouTube: @iam4freedom
Your uploaded PHOTO4FREEDOM is so-called, user content. This is, for example, is all the content that our users have added/uploaded to the site and their IAM4FREEDOM Hero profile, and/or is displayed in our site's user-lists such as our ART4FREEDOM GALLERY, ART4FREEDOM VIDEO GALLERY, PHOTO4FREEDOM GALLERY, YOURSTORY4FREEDOM, etc. and is related to our users. Nobody is allowed to share this content in anyway, WITHOUT the IAM4FREEDOM Hero's, or in this case, your permission. As this is not our content, we are not at liberty to license it and urge everyone to contact the hero, or you, directly to discuss their own terms.
We can share/promote your content via our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram with full thanks and credit to your supplied handles and info. In addition, as a user, you upload your own images, description and a promotional URL, etc. in your IAM4FREEDOM Hero account and automaticalle shows in our PHOTO4FREEDOM Gallery on our own ALL4FREEDOM website
No, your PHOTO4FREEDOM is so called, user-content.
You own any information, text, data, photos, audio, video, images, graphics, links, logos, and other content or materials you upload, submit, post, display or otherwise distribute on or through ALL4FREEDOM ("user submissions"). For more info, check out the full explaination in our Terms and Conditions, article 7, content
Yes, naturally we will credit/mention you. We share/promote your content via our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram with full thanks and credit to your supplied handles and info, of which you will receive a notification when posted. On our PHOTO4FREEDOM Wall, you are autmatically credited with your first and lastname and link to your IAM4FREEDOM Hero profile.
If we haven't answered your issue to your satisfaction and/or your question is simply not here or in any other FAQ, please do let us know. You might not be the only one and the answer might be worth sharing so that other IAM4FREEDOM Heroes can us it to their advantage and to improve their experience and our mission. Thanks in advance for your feedback and contribution.